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Using tags with API calls

We are using tags to further categories our time trackings. There is a API for managing the tags itself but the documentation lacks information on how to include tags when registering a time tracking via the API. Could you provide a sample how to use tags with time tracking API and actions API ? Best regards

Sandbox Mode

Hey, Is there a way to get the information about a configured sandbox mode for a given shift/time frame via api? thanks Josef

getting archived users

Hi, I have a problem when trying to get all users. **https://app.papershift.com/public_api/v1/users?** only seems to give me all the active and deactivated users. Is there a way to get **archived** users as well? I can see them in the Frontend...

Assignment response

Hey guys, your shift assignments only return the fields - id -username while your example response states, that it also returns email, phone and updated_at. Is this a bug or supposed to be? Kind regards, Konstantin

Custom Shift fields

I have added custom fields in Location settings > Customize > shifts. We are planning on creating shifts by sending data to the API, but we are unsure if the API can put data into these custom fields. If you know the answer or could point me in the direction of the documentation for this, that would be great. Also if there is an alrenative solutioon let me know. Thanks Ollie

Warum werden nur 25 Ergebnisse zurückgeliefert?

Statt die Ergebnisse hart auf 25 zu limitieren und somit in der Regel weitere API-Requests für Seite 2 usw. zu forcieren, wäre es meiner Meinung nach sowohl API-schonender als aus Entwickler-freundlicher, die maximal Anzahl an Ergebnissen mit einem `limit`-Parameter überschreiben zu können. So wird es typischerweise auch bei viele APIs gelöst.

Underlying algorithm in auto assignment

Hi, I am very curious to know about the technical aspects of your auto assignment feature. In particular, I want to know about: - What algorithm you use - What kinds of constraints you consider - Limit on the number of employees in auto assignment - Limit on the length of the planning horizon - Approximate computational time to complete the auto assignment (I know it depends on a lot of things, but I would like to get an estimate for, let's say, 10 - 50 employees).

API call to /absences missing data

Hey guys, it looks like the API call to /absences is not responding the full data (Get Absences in Range). For example, I try to get the absence on 24th August 2020 with the following GET request: https://app.papershift.com/public_api/v1/absences?api_token=<token>&page=1&range_end=2020-08-24&range_start=2020-08-24 I retrieve the absence I was looking for, but if I extend the time range and query all pages, I don't get the same absence, which is very weird. Here's the new URL: https://app.papershift.com/public_api/v1/absences?api_token=<token>&page=3&range_end=2020-08-24&range_start=2020-07-24 It looks like there are whole pages missing, because I only get max. 3 pages all the time. A few weeks back, everything was working fine. Any ideas? Have there been recent changes to the API? ~ Julian

WorkingSession get Time Tracking in Range duplicate

Hey guys, i try to get all time trackings of a specific person in a specific range. My curl-url looks like this: https://app.papershift.com/public_api/v1/working_sessions?api_token=api_token&range_end=2020-07-24&range_start=2020-07-10&user_id=user_id This request results almost always in duplicates. Has anyone ever got this issue before? Kind regards, Konstantin


Hallo zusammen, ist es möglich, die "Stempeluhr" über die API zu triggern, d.h. "Kommen" und "Gehen" für Nutzer via API zu befüllen? Mir schwebt eine Integration der beiden Funktionen in unsere PHP-Software vor (Meldefunktion darf nur von bestimmten Standorten aus bedient werden, das überwacht unsere Software bereits). Vielen Dank für die Mühe.